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Youth Dance Survey

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Fingal County Council and Dublin Youth Dance Company invite young dancers and dance enthusiasts to contribute to a survey which aims to map youth dance engagement in Fingal.


The online survey is part of a collaborative research and development project between Fingal County Council (FCC) Arts Office and Dublin Youth Dance Company (DYDC). The purpose of the project is to map youth dance activity in Fingal and to explore the development of a contemporary youth dance programme for children and young people aged 10-23 years old. 

Informed by extensive stakeholder consultation and research, the project will culminate in a feasibility study for the development of contemporary dance opportunities with, for and by children and young people (aged 10-23 years) from diverse and new communities in Fingal.


This exciting collaboration between DYDC and FCC Arts Office reflects the shared needs and interests of both parties, particularly with regard to broadening the range of contemporary dance opportunities which are rooted in youth and diversity, and which provide equal access regardless of social, economic, or geographic barriers.


The survey seeks to gather insights, ideas and perspectives from children and young people who are living in Fingal and/or currently participating in formal or informal dance activities in Fingal of any type. This could include dance classes, private lessons, dance groups/crew, self-guided practice, community dance groups, school activities, dancing with friends or any other dance related activity.


If you (or your child/children) are not currently participating in any kind of dance activity, the researchers would also like to hear from you, if youth dance is something that you (or your child/children) would be interested in. If you would like to contribute in this way, please use the contact details below to get in touch directly.


Survey Link: 


The closing date for responses is Sunday 10th December 2023.


The survey can also be accessed on the websites of Fingal County Council Arts Office, Dublin Youth Dance Company, and Arts Leaders Associates as well as via their respective social media platforms.


The project is funded by Fingal County Council Arts Office and the Arts Council of Ireland.


For further information, or if you require any assistance in completing the survey, please contact  

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©2023 by Dublin Youth Dance Company CLG 355549 | CHY no: 22971 | Registered Charity no: 20205379

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